Qobuz problems with the BluOS app?

Hi all. I am wondering if everyone with a blue sound node is having the same problem I am. I did a player update on my iPad 10 days ago. Tidal works fine but I can’t get my playlist or any playlist on Qobuz to load. I can search a song on Qobuz and save it to my playlist but cannot load the playlist. BluOS and Qobuz say it’s something on their end but 10 days and still not fixed! Any insight out there would be appreciated. Thanks. 



Showing 4 responses by randymaqp

From BlueSound support:



Tony W. - Product Support Manager

We have identified an issue with Qobuz playlists not loading when using certain iPhone and iPad models. This is not affecting Android or PC users. We have been able to resolve the issue here in the BluOS Lab. Look for an iOS App update to your iPhone or iPad in the coming days to resolve this issue.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience


You can log on to BlueSound and “follow” the discussion.  You’ll receive emails as comments are added. I assume that’s where they’ll post notice of a fix.



The iOS update is on the App Store. I just loaded it and the Qobuz playlist issue appears to have been resolved. 

It’s the BluOS app update that you’ll find in the App Store.  Click on your App Store icon.  When the App Store opens, search for “BluOS Controller”. Click on it and it should display UPDATE in white letters on a blue background. Click on UPDATE and it will do its thing. Mine didn’t take long. When it’s complete, you’ll have iOS App: 3.18.1 version.  No need to reboot your device or do anything else.