Qobuz or Tidal?

Qobuz or Tidal? And why?

Aurender, good DAC, no MQA. US.

Showing 3 responses by edcyn

They're essentially neck and neck.  I choose Qobuz because I like the warmer frequency balance and its pretty good selection of classical music but your mileage may vary.  Try 'em both.  Putting it another way, I'm glad Qobuz exists, but if it didn't I'd be living happily with Tidal.
anzaanimalclinic -- It's interesting that you chose Tidal over Qobuz using exactly the same criteria by which I chose Qobuz, except with a different conclusion.  Let freedom ring!  On the other hand, maybe we can blame it on our different stereo rigs.  As for MQA, my Mytek Brooklyn Bridge has full-on support for the feature but I still prefer Qobuz.  It doesn't hurt that I'm a classical junkie and the Q gives me more of it. 
@arthur1260 -- Not that I know anything, but I'd bet the honchos at Tidal, Qobuz and the other streaming companies have slightly different tastes as to what sounds good.  Putting it another way, I bet they do futz with the files. It could also be simply because they employ different streaming software/hardware. In any case, it's pretty plain the two streaming companies have different musical tastes. Viva la difference!