Qobuz or Apple Music?

Which service do you use?  Are they close in sound quality, or do you prefer one over the other?  

Thank you for your thoughts.




Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

Qobuz hands down. It has what is commonly regarded as the best sound and over 1/2 million high resolution albums (Tidal: HR 50K albums as of a few months ago). 

‘’There are only two generally accepted contenders: Qobuz and Tidal. I had Tidal for a year… sorry I did not switch sooner.

Paradym shift.

 When I first got a steamer which sounded as good as my other sources I typically did what I have done for the last fifty years… searched my memory for an album on the streaming service and play it. Ocationally it was not there… but often there were more albums by the same artist.

Over a relatively short time I switched from listening to the music I had already purchased (I own 4,000 albums)… to exploring new music.

Streaming has hundreds of times more music than I own or know about. Now I explore mostly… albums in the back of Stereophile, The Absolute Sound, recommended on Audiogon, Qobuz recommendations… new music added. I’ll check them out… new releases (many new high Rez releases of older jazz and classical as well as new new of every category. Occationally there will be an album I own that is not there… so what? (to me) I move on, if I listen to a dozen new albums a day I will still die long before catching up.

So, to me, with a different medium comes a whole different paradigm. Most of my life I was forced to listen to the same stuff over and over because purchase was the only way to fill my life with the music I like. My on-line library… must be 8K albums and growing daily. I probably listen to an old favorite of mine once a week.