Qobuz Coming to America Soon!

Looks like the French streaming service Qobuz will be coming to the U.S. soon:


Showing 8 responses by usery

Bonjour, quand Qobuz sera t’il disponible aux Etats-Unis?

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Bonjour...
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2018 08:57:36 +0000 (GMT)
From: support-help@qobuz.com <support-help@qobuz.com>
To: usery

We are working for.
We hope open at the end of the year.

Best regards.

Customer Service
Qobuz - Xandrie,
Centre d’activité de l’Ourcq,
45 rue Delizy

"...coupled with arrogance"
maritime51: don't mistake disallowing fools for arrogance

"...when Qobuz will be available in the USA?"
hgeifman: read upwards in this thread (Qobuz customer service said they're hoping for end of this year).
I’d be astounded if they hit October - lots of moving parts in a launch like this, for a service like theirs.  I’ll be surprised if they even hit end of year.

Happy with either.
hgeifman: oui, all of that is promising news, thanks for the continued intel. Hope my pessimistic guesses about actual release timeframe are flatly wrong.
Qobuz ...named the Official High-Resolution Streaming Service..."
Ha! Hilarant!

Maybe we have the intrepid David Soloman to thank for that ; )
Like the other deleted News:Qobuz thread, this thread was also removed - and is now recovered.  Seems at times forum.audigon.com spam control is a kinda blunt instrument.

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Subject:   [Audiogon] Re: "This discussion has been removed One of our moderators or admins have removed this discussion."
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2018 13:16:00 +0000
From: support@audiogon.zendesk.com

Oct 17, 9:15 AM EDT

I have restored that thread also. It seems that that particular subject was marked as spam so all threads concerning it was also marked as spam.

Please let us know if you need further assistance, we are happy to help.

Oct 17, 8:54 AM EDT

Thanks. Here's another example of entire thread removed in seemingly arbitrary fashion.

Again, if there are individual offending posts in the thread, just remove those - instead of the entire (useful) thread.


Oct 16, 9:47 AM EDT

I would be happy to assist you.

Our moderators are very careful what they remove but sometimes some threads can be taken down in error.

The thread you are referring to was accidentally marked as spam and I have now re-opened this thread for you.

Please let us know if you need further assistance.

Whether any updates on Qobuz US launch date are accurate remains to be seen.  I asked their Customer Service in July, they replied "We are working for. We hope open at the end of the year".  Cute english ... here's to hope.

Trying Tidal while I wait - and can say their classical catalog is no slouch.  Some real outlier recordings, of great quality (recording quality, that is - I haven't A/B/C'd the sound quality yet).

09-17-2018 1:25pm

I’d be astounded if they hit October - lots of moving parts in a launch like this, for a service like theirs. I’ll be surprised if they even hit end of year.

Happy with either