QLN Prestige 3

Hello, I'm auditioning the Borresen X2's side-by-side with my Focal Sopra 2's and wonder if any QLN owners could weigh in on the Prestige 3 or similar models as to the sonic characteristics and equipment with which you drive it. Thanks, Greg


Showing 2 responses by zlone

Not perfect circumstances, but I heard the QLN top of the line and Borreson’s at AXPONA. I fell in love with the QLN’s and want to demo a pair, thought I think I could only handle the 1’s in my space. My impression of the Borreson speakers was similar to @avanti1960 , way too tight. I am sure that could be dialed down with the right gear, but not my cup of tea. 

I will have to give Borreson another chance, in a better setting, and with my music.