Q acoustics harsh high end

Please help.
Just bought a Pioneer network reciever and a pair of 3050s. I realise this isn't top end equipment but at any sort of volume the upper frequencies are harsh,  very noticeable on female voices. The last system I had was started back in the late 70s with a pair of MA4s, then a denon amp, 50W I think, then I added a mid range Marantz cd player.
I remember having absolutely no issues with the sound quality. I have tried placing the system in a different room. I have tried a different amp (Marantz 63KI). I have tried a different Cd player but all sound the same, bright, harsh top end. Im begining to think it's the speakers but the reviews are almost unanimously brilliant. I'm wondering if I should get some second hand MA 352s
Any advice would be welcome


Showing 2 responses by stereo5

Don’t make any system changes until the speakers are properly broken in. Otherwise, you will be like a dog, chasing its tail. Once the speakers are run in, then and only then would I consider other options. Patience is a virtue. If you want to burn in the speakers quickly, connect 1 speaker out of phase and have them face each other. Then use the XLO or Esoteric or Isotek burn in CD and blast it for a week. With the speakers out of phase to each other, it won’t be too loud. Run it like this daily when you are at work. After a week, reconnect the speakers the right way and listen to music. If it is only a little better, run them in for another week. Then try again.