Q acoustics harsh high end

Please help.
Just bought a Pioneer network reciever and a pair of 3050s. I realise this isn't top end equipment but at any sort of volume the upper frequencies are harsh,  very noticeable on female voices. The last system I had was started back in the late 70s with a pair of MA4s, then a denon amp, 50W I think, then I added a mid range Marantz cd player.
I remember having absolutely no issues with the sound quality. I have tried placing the system in a different room. I have tried a different amp (Marantz 63KI). I have tried a different Cd player but all sound the same, bright, harsh top end. Im begining to think it's the speakers but the reviews are almost unanimously brilliant. I'm wondering if I should get some second hand MA 352s
Any advice would be welcome


Showing 9 responses by jlj

Thanks Erik for the tip. I have just listened to Hounds of Love by Kate Bush and listening close to the speaker highlights the problem even more. Kates voice is very hissy, each word seems to have ssssss on the end, very unnatural. Im wondering if this is typical of modern speakers and I should source something second hand.
Sorry, the speakers I grew up with were Monitor Audio MA4s, from 1976. I guess you would call them a classic design with a 8" KEF bass driver,  25mm tweeter and a port. They were a couple of hundred quid at the time, so quite pricey. The 3050's are Q Acoustics and there the ones that sound bright and hard to listen to.
Thanks for the reassurance. Can any one recommend cables that might take the edge off the shrill top end.
Thanks for the link. They are certainly well reviewed. I'll give it a few weeks and go from there. 
Sorry for the late reply Pogbomer, I only just received the notification. 
The general consensus was that my harsh top end would either disappear in time or was the result of the environment. Well many hours have passed and I have tried the speakers in different settings and to be honest,  there still disappointing. 
Thanks Pogbomber

All very good suggestions! I have purchased a second hand marantz amplifier from the 90s, which has a warm sound. I have relocated the system into a different room with soft furnishings and a carpet. I also bought a second hand Archam Alpha CD player, which again has a warmer edge to compare. My next step is to give up on the speakers and audition some others. Thanks again for your help.

P3ga, thanks for your suggestions and helpful responce. I have tried many different set ups and my conclusion is that these speakers are not as good as everone seems to think. (I do realise I'm in a minority of one). I tried to engage with the manufacturer but they were quite uninterested. When I can afford it, I'll audition some new speakers, in a higher price bracket.  The seekers I bought in the 70's, which is the comparison I'm making subconsciously, would cost nearly five times as much as the Qs, so perhaps that's the problem.
Unfortunately, with all the replies saying they would need to be run in, I thought they might improve. It's far to late to ask for a refund. I'll just sell them when I can afford to upgrade.