Puzzling preamp problem

On some, but not all sources (CDs, records) the right channel of my system seems to overpower the left. This mainly happens in orchestral music.
What’s  puzzling is that most sources usually sound balanced between the two channels. When there is a singer or soloist the sound comes from the center. But when loud instruments (brass mainly) are in the right channel, the left channel seems to migrate to the center.
But when there’s a particular designated voice or instrument in the left channel, it’s very audible in the left speaker.  Very puzzling!
I assume it’s a preamp problem. I have a vintage Conrad-Johnson PV 11 preamp.
The situation has arisen with a variety of amplifiers so I don’t think the problem is there.
Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon?
I guess I’ll have to break down and get the preamp looked at.

Showing 2 responses by gdnrbob

Since it is a tube preamp, maybe one of the tubes is at its' end.
I would call CJ, I bet they know the answer.
That's weird. I wouldn't think breaking in would affect balance.
I still think you might have a tube on the edge of going bad.
But, I hope I am wrong.