Putting together turntable rig


reaching out to the community in hope of some help regarding putting together a analog rig. Since now I exclusively listen digital. I‘am very happy with my Setup, but was thinking of maybe updating my Audio Analogue AADAC since it is the weakest link.

But about three months ago I have the urge to get a turntable. Had then a loaner from a friend of me, a Dr. Feickert Volare with a Jelco arm and Hana cartridge, Phono Preamp was from Audio Analogue. I was really impressed and enjoyed it a lot.

My chain at the moment:
- Viva Audio Solistino with 845 Elrog’s and vintage tubes
- Cube Audio Nenuphar
- 432evo Aeon Server/Roon Core
- the mentioned AADAC
- Good copper cable’s 
- SOTM Switch 
- Townshends Pucks under all components 
- Audioplan Power-Filter/Star and Plant‘s

I do have already something in mind:
- Dr. Feickert Woodpecker 
- Arms something like Viv Lab Rigid Float, Reed 3P, Origin Live Conqueror 
- No idea for a cartridge yet 
- Preamp Rike Natalija 

It‘s not written in stone, it‘s just the direction I was thinking.

The problem is I do have not the funds right now to get everything at once. There are now two ways that come to my mind. Save long enough and by everything at once. Or, get some “good” parts, mix them for the beginning with some “cheaper“ used ones, and replace them afterwards with the desired ones.
But if going that mixed way, how to start, what would be first priority’s to get the most out of it?

Please excuse my humble english.

Your opinions would be greatly appreciated!


just want to say again thanks and give some feedback. It’s ten days now since I have my TT setup. At first I wanted to play a DAC and TT within the same price range head to head against each other, but decided then against it. I had the small and big Rockna’s for a week to play with, but the analog components weren’t in stock. The Rockna’s were very impressive, but my heart was already set on a TT. As I mentioned in my first post I enjoy listening to my digital chain, although I am aware that the DAC is the weakest link in my digital setup. With the TT I have now a second and different approach to music which I like.

I decided to go with:

- Dr. Feickert Woodpecker in Zebrano, black Alu and the platter upgrade 

- Origin Live Conqueror 12” with inner cable in silver and outer in copper 

- Grado Ref.3 cartridge 

- Rike Natalija MM/MC 3 it’s a german Brand, made in Germany and tube based 

Of course it’s new now and I’am exited, but I really do love it. Very musical and engaging. The stage, separation, airiness and detail is stunning. The dealer as the manufacturer told me, that the Rike needs quite long to burn in, 200 hours, because of the capacitors which are used. Right now I have about 80 hours.

Over the last weeks I bought some records. 50 at the moment and it’s a mixture from old fist press and high quality new ones. That’s my base to start with. From now on I try to get every month at least 4 new records. 

As for now I’am really happy that I decided to go with the TT.

@eric5kim I’m very happy and glad that I made the move. Collected 175 records since then. Got me a Elma ultrasonic cleaner to get the most out of the records. It’s amazing when the record is well pressed and in M or NM condition that they play very quite. At the moment I have stopped looking/lusting over other equipment, just collecting records and enjoying the music. That’s a good sign!