Put fun back into Hometheater+Music

      Music and Movies are fun, they remind us we are human and we love entertainment. Im not sure where this idea got derailed and became so serious and jaded. I hear the points of view in their insulting manner, in their very narrow points of view and i shake my head. There seems to be such a desire to be “right” instead of sharing our audio knowledge in a caring way.

respecting each other is really the GoldenRule, but it got lost when we sit behind our screens and throw insults and mean spirited comment.

i feel most sorry for the newcomers who have a desire to put together fun systems for their families and get caught in the mire of negativity, let’s band together with all our knowledge and help each other and make the world a better place, peace & love 


Showing 2 responses by mikelavigne

i am music delivery system agnostic. even media agnostic. only positive passion. i don't feel negative passion about anything regarding music.

by that i mean i like/love it all. i embrace 2 channel music of every format as it fits my circumstance, and multi-channel music and movies too.

if i was not fortunate enough to have separate 2-channel and Home Theater systems i would gladly combine them.

fun.....enjoyable home listening and watching.....is where you find it.

the only thing i am negative about is being negative. what a waste of bandwidth. some just have a minus default setting.

Mike - nice to see your good attitude here, i am sorry i missed the gig you had recently……will pm, hopefully a rain check…

Tom, sorry you could not make it last time. you would be welcome any time. i hope it's soon.

