Puritan PSM156

Hello All,

 I came across this product while searching Power Conditioners. Puritan PSM156.

 Does anyone have one, or, does anyone know anything about it, and how it would stand up to or even better the more popular and well known brands?

Showing 5 responses by wig

The Puritan is quite special and the Ground Master evaluates its performance even further; my Puritan PSM 156 replaced my Inakustik...



Furutech DPS PC with NCF plugs are the best cables I have heard and I've heard a lot and much pricier but the DPS is something else... Make sure you burn-in on your refrigerator for a month before implementing in your system.



You're in for a long ride as rhodium will go through drastic changes until it settles down near the 500 hour mark...



I added a Furutech NCF Inlet to my 156 a few years ago and it only required minor grinding with a dremel to get into position; a worthwhile sonic upgrade.



The holes aligns perfectly, just grind a little at a time...

Yes, I'm FI-52 NCF on Furutechs DPS and it's a wonderful combination and just love it.😊
