Puritan PSM156

Hello All,

 I came across this product while searching Power Conditioners. Puritan PSM156.

 Does anyone have one, or, does anyone know anything about it, and how it would stand up to or even better the more popular and well known brands?
Ag insider logo xs@2xloganfan

Showing 2 responses by protegimus

Hi @jerrybj I also fitted a Furutech FI-33 NCF IEC inlet to my Puritan PSM156.
It took a bit of a rework on the panel due to the different shape as compared to the stock inlet. Very nice piece once done though.
The power cable for the PSM156 is a Classic+, I might consider getting hold of an Ultimate. Have you had both, or did you go with Ultimate from the start?

Do you have a Ground Master and Route Master?
I installed a 2.4m copper grounding rod with Ground Master to the PSM156 and Ground Master / Route Master to my streamer, CD player and amplifier.
Very worthwhile as I live <35m from power lines. Perhaps something to look into.

I also put a Ground Master City on my router.
It also has the ATL Audio Ltd. DC Blocker & EMI/RFI/Common Mode Filter that previously served the front end components (very good for such an inexpensive unit).

Thanks @jerrybj, appreciate the update and info. I'm also in the UK.

To complement the FI-33 NCF(R) socket, I replaced the Puritan Classic+ C19 connector and mains plug with
Oyaide C-237 Rhodium/Silver plated 20A IEC plug, C19
Furutech FI-1363R NCF UK Mains Plug (90 degree)

The Oyaide is also a nice piece and far less expensive than the equivalent Furutech FI-32, however the Furutech parts are of better construction.

Apologies to the OP for the digression ...what's your thoughts on the EtherRegen? I've read mixed reports.
I've not come across the Acoustic Revive part specifically, will look it up.