purist vs. concierto vs. elrod vs dcca power cable

I am trying to upgrade my power cables for my system, which consists of first sound MKII preamp, cary MB500 monoblocks, MBL1531 CD player with shunyata hydra 8 and richard gray 1200s power conditioning. I've heard some very positive things about the cords listed above. I am looking for a little extra warmth with exceptional detail and soundstaging, and a bit more bottom end fullness (but not mushiness)--not audiophile terms, I know, but descriptive, I think. What do you all think?

Showing 1 response by clio09

I'm pretty happy with the Purist Audio Dominus power cord. I use it on my amp. I have not heard the others you mentioned so I can't make any comparisons, but the PAD does exhibit the traits you desire, and it will lower the noise floor.