Purist, Legenburg or K-S?

My new W/P 8's make my Cardas GR sound somewhat reticent.
I would like something a bit more engaging.
I lean toward uniform cabling througout the system.
I have had favorable but limited experiences with each of these contenders and would appreciate any other considered opinions.
I will pony up the necessary spark, BUT:
I am unwilling to become a dealer to support my habit.

Showing 1 response by ozzy

Just be aware that the Cable Company charges for the rentals and retains that amount towards future purchases.
The amount of rentals and that retained amount can grow to a sizable sum.
As long as you know you will purchase something from them at close to retail , I guess thats ok.
But, if you see a good deal on a used cable or prefer a brand that they dont carry ,(Kubala ,Ridgestreet, etc.) you cant get your retainage back.

Just letting you be aware of this.