Pure Silver Wire

If silver is so good to use why do we not see solid silver speaker cables? Price is not that high- 10ga diameter pure silver 6ft is just under $300. That makes a pair of speaker cables about $1,100 for material. I see the price of some of these cables on the market and $1,100 is a fraction of their asking price.




Kimber cables knows how to design silver cable. I have their digital cable D60, kcag ic, and 8AG speaker cables.they match well with tube gear. Onother favorite is Audioquest dragon speaker cables , diamond ic. They work well with tube and ss.

Wire is wire. Resistance is all you need to worry about, so save yourself a lot of money and buy some low cost speaker wire of the appropriate gauge.

Not a single person in this thread could discern a difference in a proper test.  


Even when one one single element of something is rated to be better for some reason, it does not equate to an improvement of the result. Arguing copper to silver is a fool's argument in most cases, not all. Same thing when arguing the heat conductivity of copper over stainless in some uses as in the end of the process the heat exchanged is more than sufficient for the required process. Having the proper gauge copper wire is more important than having any silver. The copper is not holding anything back for our purposes. We can take things to the scientific extreme and argue a lot of BS, but none of the scientific extreme applies here. Proper connections, soldering, and shielding are a much greater value.


Only cable maker I know that offers solid pure silver cables is Timbre Audio. 

Wire is wire. Resistance is all you need to worry about, so save yourself a lot of money and buy some low cost speaker wire of the appropriate gauge. Not a single person in this thread could discern a difference in a proper test.

@jaygilb  So, what Bose system do you listen to?  You’d be much better off at ASR as that’s where people go when they can’t hear.