Pure Silver Wire

If silver is so good to use why do we not see solid silver speaker cables? Price is not that high- 10ga diameter pure silver 6ft is just under $300. That makes a pair of speaker cables about $1,100 for material. I see the price of some of these cables on the market and $1,100 is a fraction of their asking price.




Audio Magic makes some really amazing cables which are not the least bit harsh once they are broken in. I had their top-of-the-line power cable that I tried in my home theater room to power my 4K projector and (wonder of wonders) it improved the picture quality measurably. In the projector wars, there's a lot that is made out of small incremental improvements and here is a cable that makes as much improvement as spending a few thousand more for the next model up. 

Silver 'done right' will improve the perceived transient speed in an audio system as well. 

I've been using DH Labs T-14 speaker cables for several years. I find the sound to be a "subjective improvement" over the 12g copper cables I used before. I'm very satisfied, so no plans to further experiment with speaker cables.

DH Silver Sonic

I use primarily siltech, which are comprise of silver/gold alloy.  Fantastic cables, not at all harsh and bright but very smooth and revealing.

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This is actually something I wouldn’t mind trying.


Silver bar is 99.9%+ pure. Sounds pretty high. So much so that I feel there is no degradation due to alloys. Grain structure ok. I do understand that metrology is something have experience with as a manufacturing engineer. A nice annealing will align back the grain structure and allow malleability again by taking out internal stresses.


The elastomer covering is a pretty easy process. The purity is actually makes things a bit tougher as it would have to be handled with care. If things don’t work out I can strip the wires and sell as scrap weight costing me only the wire drawing cost with elastomer. It’s 13oz plus grip (grip is the wasted sections needed to hold the material and work with it through the dies) to make 4pcs of 10ga x 6ft long each