Pure Class A SS vs Tube Amp

I have high efficiency 100dB speakers klipsch KLF 30 with mods  
im trying to decide pure class A or Tube amp 
Any Pure class A recommendations will be appropriated especially the one sound good at low volume under 6K MRSP .

Showing 1 response by bigwave1

@Lordrootman, If within your budget, look no further than LTA , David Berninig  design, extremely long tube life and many informative reviews. The best of both SS and Vacuum tubes all in one. Can’t imagine making a mistake here. I’m using their new ZOTYL integrated at 20w and my 90 dB efficient REF 3A GV’s (way loud enough in a large room,) and my new PAP Quintet 15’s are for me blissful, the best I’ve had for reasonable money on both accounts. Don’t miss it and great folks for support. Best Dave H