Pure Audio Project Trio 15 - Silversmith Audio Fidelium internal wiring upgrade

PAP owners, I am looking for guidance on the benefits of upgrading the internal wiring on a PAP Trio 15 w/Voxatix 1.6 driver to the Silversmith Audio Fidelium cables and whether the benefits of the upgrade only really manifest themselves when the internal wiring upgrade is paired with the SA Fidelium speaker cables. The few comments on I have found on the PAP website laud the upgrade but I cannot tell whether the internal wiring was the only change made.

I would appreciate hearing from anyone that has experience with this upgrade or can guide me to post or review that addresses this issue.

The balance of my system consists of a PS Audio DirectStream DAC Mk.II, Auralic Ares G2.2 Streamer, PS Audio PerfectWave SACD Transport, PS Audio BHK Signature Preamp and PASS x250.8 amp.


I just ran into a video posted on another audio website that describes an audio system with PAP Quintet speakers with the upgraded Fidelium wiring which was describe as "not a subtle upgrade."




Thanks.  This is extremely helpful.  The system described is truly spectacular.  He really seemed to like the SA Fidelium internal wiring upgrade but was intended to use A23 speaker cables which suggests as you noted that the internal wiring upgrade will yield a benefit without also adding the matching speaker cables.

Again, thanks for running this down.


I have the PAP Trio 15 Horn1 and had the Fidelium ribbons for trial on the interior wiring. They sounded good, a bit better than the VDH that came with the speaker, however I sent them back because I didn't think they sounded $1600 better. As silly as it sounds I ended up talking to Paul Speltz at Anti-Cable about using his wire for internal wiring, and we came to the decision of trying solid core 12GA wire (3.1) single run. I was blown away at the difference in the sound, clarity, imaging, bass, midrange, treble, you name it, it improved. The soundstage became much larger.  The speakers are much more dynamic, I'm thinking the solid core wire is allowing more data or current to get through, I hear details in pieces of music I never heard before, even with the Fidelium ribbons. It cost me $90 and to my ears they beat the Fideliums. I did see someone use the 4.2 Anti-cables on a PAP Duet pair, but don't know the results.

YMMV..check them out.






Thanks for this.  I will reach out to Anti-Cable in the am and also see if I can get a loaner set of Fidelium ribbons from PAP.