Pumpkin seeds

So, I have a bunch of pumpkins to harvest the seeds from. 14 actually. Rainy and dreary day. Perfect day to roast the seeds and power up the system. Get everything going. Spin a few LPs, after about 4 hours I realize, I've got amazing powers of observation. Truly exceptional after the tubes warm up.  Doesn't even sound like the same system. Just exquisite. Subs are dialed in perfectly. Just beautiful. Never truly realized how important it is to warm the tubes up until this moment. Speakers are singing, the room has adapted, my brain is in a harmonic groove with the vinyl. Sometimes, it just comes together.

Showing 3 responses by millercarbon

Come to the bedroom, in the suitcase on the left you'll find my favorite axe.
And that is how I know when I try to get through on the telephone to you, there’ll be nobody home.

PS- OP, are all these your guitars?
I’ve got amazing powers of observation.

I’ve got a little black book with his poems in it.

Are you feeling okay?