PSVANE 12Au7 12At7 12Ax7 "-T MKII" 2020 production run of small signal/driver tubes

Re-testing year 2020 production run of these tubes. Would like to hear from others who’ve re-tried recent production?

>>PSVANE 12Au7 12At7 12Ax7 "-T MKII" small signal/driver tubes made in year 2020"

After following stories about TJ Full Music’s founder passing, and the son reselling tooling of all of the small signal tubes to PSVANE, and recent luck over the past year with TJ 6SN7 tubes for my preamp, I thought I’d give the new PSVANE small tubes a retry. Checking to see if any designs or manufacturing goodness made it over to PSVANE yet from TJ. Also, took advantage of an opportunity to buy these direct from a major overseas distributor, direct. So far so good. Comparing to other known vintage tubes. Also following AudioNote’s recent use of PSVANE tubes in their preamplifiers, amplifiers, integrated amplifiers.

Find something "close enough" and hoard away all my vintage tubes. An improvement is always great too.  

COMPARISONS to vintage, others:
-Currently comparing to my vintage stash of 1960s Mullard "Blackburn", Tungsram, RCA, Sylvania, others.
-Also comparing to prior 2012 versions of these same PSVANE tubes made over eight years ago.
-No need to compare to new re-issue Mullard or JJ or other. Seems these new PSVANE are on a different level.

INITIAL Impression first 20 hours:
-a tad harsh and grainy
-midrange is obvious
-top end not rolled off
-sound stage front row, initially
-decent, interesting

AFTER 72 hours burn-in:
-smoothing out nicely, not there yet, close
-sound stage dropping back to mid-hall
-texture starting to come in
-nice midrange, top end smoothing out more
-tone of piano and guitars shaping up nicely
-Nice, haven’t pulled them yet!

My mono tube amplifiers
(2) Input tubes; 12AU7s
(2) driver tubes; 12AT7s
Friend testing in his preamp
(2) Input, preamp: 12AX7s

Would like to hear from others who’ve re-tried recent 2020 production of PSVANE 12AU7 or 12AT7 or 12AX7 ?
What are you hearing, are they better than prior PSVANE versions you tried years ago? Similar findings or ???


Forgot to add I tried the Cossors as well. Very similar sound to the T-IIs. Did not have them in long enough to get any long term reliability out of them. 

Thanks @johnss you are helping me to decide to keep my vintage stash around to fill in between these premature failing [or possibly damaged due to poor boxing & shipping] new issue small tubes. 

Note & ?: The small tubes i have previously  purchased directly from overseas [and better packaged and boxed] seem to last a LOT longer than any tubes purchased and magically tested by a few US retailers here who minimally box, stuff, pack and ship. Cutting corners, back to lazy cheapskates, and limited packer behaviors is what im zeroing in on now. 

Trying to figure this out -

Its like they buy a box of 100 well packed tubes overseas, then strip pairs of tubes and packing down to minimal packing and boxing [to save $ ???] on US shipping. i.e when they get to us they prematurely fail after getting rattled apart due to minimalist packaging and boxing and shipping within the US. Thinking this gain now.

TJ Full Music figured this out too a few years back as being the case after a long two year research study right before they sold off the rights and tooling to PSVane. They had lots of reported failures more with US retailers.  I started buying from overseas distributers and received great packaging and boxing with zero failures. None, all tubes still running strong after 2+ years.  May be some truth to that study.

This last quad of GL small tubes I received over the holidays [well tested] from a major US retailer [was a joke of packing and boxing] and were crackling and popping in the first hour and a lot more at hour 8. Had to RMA ship them back.  Still investigating and giving feedback to the owners of these companies now. A big waste of time and $ for all involved.

Keeping eyes and ears open for joker-packers.  Demand great internal packing and boxing every time or else more failed and returned tubes, fwiw,

@johnss ,

I agree with the same concern. But since they have a warranty of 1 year, I will see how long these Horizons last and if they will honor the warranty. At $49 a pair, I think @decooney might as well try them. It you want to get the ART series, I recommend Vivatubes, since they check them and have a warranty.

@johnss ,

I agree with the same concern. But since they have a warranty of 1 year, I will see how long these Horizons last and if they will honor the warranty. At $49 a pair, I think @decooney might as well try them. It you want to get the ART series, I recommend Vivatubes, since they check them and have a warranty.

I’ve successfully exercised the warranty and return policy with Viva Tubes multiple times now. And so have a few audio buddies of mine again lately. Never had problems in the past with them. Following up again now, be sure they pack/box well - heads up.

I don’t care about the cost of small tubes as much as I care about the longevity any more. I’m currently using my direct-overseas packed and shipped tubes now instead with no issues after 2- 3yrs. All of my private seller vintage tubes, several pairs, [all well packed and boxed] continue to work perfectly fine as well.

Vivatubes is a great seller and does try to filter out the duds. Have bought quite a few dozen tubes from them. Both Chinese and Russian. Some duds still can get through. Not sure if the packaging on the China sourced tubes has much of an effect or not/ My guess is (based on the test results) the super wide variability, and ELFs in manufacturing at the factory coupled with a mile wide test spec at Shuguang and PSVANE. And in China there are tubes scrapped. Everything gets sold.

And you really can't use these in any gear that pushes the tube right at the design limits such as VTL or ARC. You will end up with fireworks. 


I have tested quite a few new tubes from both mfgrs. in the maximatcher. Test results are all over the map from completely worn out to spectacular. Think a lot of getting a great tube or a dud tube is luck of the draw on which tubes a buyer gets.  

If a person has a large stash of NOS US and Euro tubes I certainly would not think about dumping the stash in favor of these Chinese tubes. 

I have a pretty large stash of RCA 5814 black plates so have reverted back to these. For power tubes have switched back to EH or the Tungsol Russian re-issues.