PS: Typical McGowan Sound? -- HCA-2 & Classic 250

The commentary I have read on the HCA-2 has been mixed, but the criticisms I read remind me of the typical criticisms that have been expressed on all of Paul McGowan's designs in the past: An upfront, technicolor upper midrange & lower treble, some harmonic thinness, & a tight, but lean bass.

I'd sooner believe the review on Audiogon than I would KR's review in Stereophile, whose questionable hearing I don't trust.

In looking at the responses to the Audiogon review, it is interesting to see that half the responders love it; the other half hate it. By seeing all of them for sale on 'Gon now, you wonder what the real scoop is.

I'm kind of interested in the CLASSIC 250, which is a non-digital design that has alot of hoopla about it on the PS website. Has anyone heard or bought this amp, or compared it to the HCA-2?

Showing 5 responses by brulee

My Mom owns this amp. All she cares about is that it will deliver sound. IMO, I think this is a great bargin for what this amps delivers. I have had the Pass 350 that IMO, was too dry, flat, and not nearly as enjoyable as her PS-HCA-2. I am sure there are those who will fault this amp for reasons other than for it's sound. It would not be my first choice for myself, but I can't understand how anyone could find fault with this amp that has IMO, bested many amps costing thousands of dollars more. Zenaissance covered more with his words than some uneducated, want to be audiophile. A great value in what many amps lack. 30 day trial. Not to many audio makers of amps offer a trial as does PS Audio. They sound very confident if not down right cocky. I can't see why anyone would not give this amp a try if it fits into your budget. It is not a tube sounding amp as claimed. It a very fine SS amp. I could go on but Zenaissance said it better than i can.
Zenaissance, you are obviously a reasonable man, educated, open minded, and one who listens so he can find out if a certain piece of gear is going to please you. A reasonable person is hard to find these days. I found your posts to be very refreshing with out a hint of arrogance or the tired and boring ramble from those who like to hear themselves talk. I think it was Sam Tellig who said "ya gonna measure it or are ya gonna listen to it". I do not know this amp as well as you. As I stated in my post above, this is my Mothers amp. I set her system up for her. I was very surprised at how good this amp sounded. I know the Pass X 350 is an excellent amp in many peoples opinion. IMO, the HCA-2 sounded better in most areas. I have no reason to care if this amp is good, bad, great, or do I care a bit about how it measures. This was bought before this amp was reviewed. I own only tube gear. Bet it measures very bad also. Thank you for your thoughtful, informitive, sensible comments. Excellent posting!
Please let me be the one to thank you Zenaissance. Besides audio, reading is another one of my passions. As I am sure that it must be obvious to you, I am not very good with the english language. i am sure Cornfedboy, who i miss very much will agree with me. i would love a chance to read your mysteries and short stories. As you can see,I certainly could use an english teacher. Still this does not stop me from giving opinions on audio. I would be honored if I could purchase your book, if you would be so kind to sign it for me. BTW, my Mom couldn't be happier with her system. Please tell me where to send the check for you book, with the undestanding it will be have your signature.
Thank you for your kind comments.
I hope i have not given the opinion that this is an amp that has little competition. I was very surprised how good my Mothers system sounded compared to the Pass x 350. My opinions, for what they are worth, came from listening, not from technical reasons that mean nothing to me. What can one offer about what an amp has to offer if it has not been heard? Is this such a ridiculus question to ask?
If someone has not listened to a speaker, amp, or whatever, why would I care what opinion they have.
I come here to get feedback from those who have experience listening to whatever is being discussed. Information based on anything other than listening has nothing to offer me.
Twl,I agree. My point is what value is there from those who give an opinion on something they haven't heard?