PS Perfect wave power cord

What are your thoughts about this perfect wave series of power cables?

I agree, it seems to free up the music on all levels not showing favortism to any one frequecy dynamics are great,it puts music into a prespective very differnt than what i was use to.
I just got the AC-12 for my Puccini player and it fleshes out instruments, adds heft and weight to the gestalt, highs become airier, and midrange more palpable. Very happy with it. Will probably replace my old Shunyatas with AC-12's for all other components as cost-performance ratio is way better with the AC-12.. I find that when plugged directly to my heavy-duty distributor cable instead of the Shunyata Hydras, dynamics take a big leap.
I have all Perfectwave AC-5s. I like them because they neutral, not adding to or taking anything away from the sound of my system components. They only conduct the supply of power.
These are really fantastic cables, the Ac-10 in my system is just breath taking in it's presentation and i can't wait to try the Ac-12, as they seem to out do each other by good leaps and bounds. Those I've talked to to on other forums all seem to to confirm this. If it out does the Ac-10 you guys really need to try this Cable, yeah !! the the Ac-10 is that good!
i've got ac-3, ac-5's and ac-10's in my system and couldn't be happier. great line of pc's imho. i recommend giving them a listen.
I think the AC-12 and AC-10 with single crystal PCOCC solid core conductors are very good sounding and PS Audio's best power cords to date.
I never liked PS Audio products, I thought they could only be rated somwwhat as entry level. About over a year ago, I bought a PerfectWave AC-5 cord and it was pretty impressive, it had the hi-fi sound and could be the hi-end sound as well. After I sold it to move on to others bigger brands, I now realize that the PS PerfectWave AC-5 really is a very good contender. Like many other PS Audio products, the PW AC-5 won't be warm nor fully bodied. Mids are't so rich and full. Yet, its highs are very polite and addictive. If compared equally with other brands, new or used, I think the PS PW AC-5 is priced as a great bang for buck cord.
I posted a thread on 6-4-09. Hope that helps.