PS Audio Sunlight Firmware

I've been running a PS Audio DirectStream DAC for about 18 months now. I actually owned one before that time but was not extremely impressed vs. a Vega and, especially, my analog system.

This was the DAC that let me finally let vinyl go with no major regrets. With the firmware that was current then, Windom, it was astoundingly good, and IMO shot far above its $6K pricepoint in *overall* terms.

The DirectStream with Windom was not flashy - there were no pyrotechnical transients, faux detail, or other such things that make some even very pricey DACs wow consumers. (Note: Vinyl and R2R have no such qualities either - just like real music.)

I won't name the more expensive DACs I preferred it to.

But there were a few sort-of weaknesses (all of this is relative) - a non-ignorable noisefloor (the kind you can quite listen into, as with vinyl), a somewhat bloated midbass, and transients that were never objectionable but yet still not quite what transients can be.

ALL of these are substantially ameliorated, if not eliminated, with the newest firmware, "Sunlight." Its moniker is apt indeed. :)

I understand they're discontinuing the DAC, yet still have released this much-improved software. This is really good stuff. I kind of hate to say it, but I'm not sure there'll be any real reason to have a primo, $50K+ vinyl setup soon with what can be done with both the AD and DA paths.
I concur.
Sunlight was like getting a new system. For free.
The only (small) problem was that the card contacts were oxidized from non use.    
DeOxIt Gold did the trick.
Why not mention the other DAC's Paul? What speakers are you using these days?
I won't mention other DACs to avoid being called a shill.

I listen to ESLs of one sort of another - mostly Electrostatic Solutions' restored Quad 63s.