PS Audio Statement vs Cardas Golden Ref I/C?

Anyone compared the two? I have great success with both PS Audio Statement power cords & Cardas Golden Cross speaker cables in my set up. I 'm planning to replace my Highwire i/c (700 series).
Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by f1fanatic

Hi Ipy,

Have not heard the the PS Audio or the Highwire ic 700. The Cardas Golden Cross is a ``warm, musical, natural`` sounding cable. The Cardas GC will give details, lows, smooth highs and that wonderful mid range. Some call this ``colored`` but if you like the Cardas GC speaker cables try the ic`s, and pc`s. Go with what sounds best to you and lets you enjoy the music in your system

happy listening

Trcnetmsncom is correct about the Cardas Golden Reference. Give them time and they will reward you with wonderful sound. Cardas cables take a long time to break in but once they do they are really musical and natural sounding. Have patience and do not move the cables.

happy listening