PS Audio Revises Marketing to a Direct Sales Only Model

Discussion on the PS Audio Forum sponsored by PS Audio indicates that over the next 4 months PS Audio will be transitioning to a Direct Sales Only Model.  PS Audio CEO Paul McGowan acknowledged change was coming within the next four months.  Wish the best to PS Audio on the change.  I wonder what the impact will be on dealers currently holding new stock.  The thread on the PS Audio Forum is titled Is - PS Audio Going Direct Sale Only?

Showing 3 responses by aberyclark

My dealer just informed me that I have 2 weeks left for him to order new products from PSA. I’m a little bummed, since I was saving for a BHK250. However, I cannot pay the $7900 retail price. The dealer discount was significant. I’ll probably have to seek out a used one or just look elsewhere. I really love my BHK Pre amp. Oh least I got an excellent preamp.
Thanks I already have a fine dealer that discounts products similar to Underwood. 
Get the bhk 250 over the parasound, I did 10 months ago. But only your ears will tell you which 1 is better.
Parasound is not on my radar. I always wanted a Mac 275...I actually may go ahead and try one for giggles.