PS Audio Prelude power cord.

Few days ago received my new PS Audio Prelude power cord to use with my McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe amplifier. Right out of the box it made a huge improvement in the bass. But now that I listen to my system for few days with this power cord, I get mixed feelings about it. It appears to roll the highs off a bit. Anybody has this power cord to share their thoughts? Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by czbbcl

Audphile 1

How long did you let the cord burn in? Sometimes these things take awhile. I have no experience with the PS Audio prelude but I do have their statement extremes on my cd player and power amp as well as my UPC200 with good results. However, it didn't do anything for my pre-amp. Good Luck


The biggest impact I achieved with (reasonably priced)power cords was by upgrading the power cord on my CD player(Sony SCD-1). Much blacker background (lowered noise floor) and better instrumental definition in the music across all audio spectrums. As I mentioned above I use PS Audio Statement Extremes but I have not done any extensive experimentation with power cords. Others have commented that the JPS Digital AC is a good cord for CD players. Good Luck
