PS Audio Power Plant 15........

Just got a PS Audio Power Plant 15 that I bought as demo from a dealer. The idea was to upgrade from Audioquest Niagara 1200. 
As soon as I hooked it up to my system ( Auralic Altair G1, Pass Labs Int-60, Audio Note J-Spe Speakers) I was robed of my beautiful midrange and the soundstage that was open and 3D holographic became 2D and receded to the back of the front wall. 
Did several a/b tests and it became ever so clear.
What could be going on? Obviously, changing from a 1K unit to a 7K unit one expect an improvement.
Thoughts and comments are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by dchang05

I purchased BHK preamp, M1200, and P15 together three weeks ago. The first week they sounded flat and dull, but now they are phenomenal. It may well be PS Audio designed their gears to match well with their power plants. P15 may not give as much improvement to other brands as to their own.

Another huge improvement was adding an Audioquest Thunder AC cord to P15. It made a dramatic improvement too.