never hurts to have ones own opinion somewhat validated by a professional review. seldom happens with me so i'm enjoying it. have been a psa pwt/pwd fan-boy since release mid 2009. the pair sounded great from day one. then came the bridge which was a little tricky at first.... but has progressed to be a real game changer in pc audio. the mkII hit it out of the park imho. truly incredible sound and still the best digital front end i've ever personally listened to.
have done a few comparo's with friends over the years and most had pricier gear at the time. almost everyone involved in those auditions now own the mkII/bridge or pwt/mkII/bridge. i'm still in love with them after 3 years (which count as dog years in digital audio)
agree with Vhiner above....buying a used pwd and upgrading to bridge and/or mkII is one of the best deals in hi-fi out there. it's a 2k-ish investment that could change your mind about computer audio and digital in general.
have done a few comparo's with friends over the years and most had pricier gear at the time. almost everyone involved in those auditions now own the mkII/bridge or pwt/mkII/bridge. i'm still in love with them after 3 years (which count as dog years in digital audio)
agree with Vhiner above....buying a used pwd and upgrading to bridge and/or mkII is one of the best deals in hi-fi out there. it's a 2k-ish investment that could change your mind about computer audio and digital in general.