PS Audio P3

I decided to check the Tech fourm today and I'm very glad that I did. I am thinking of (eventually) adding a PS Audio P 3 to my system consisting of an ARC CD 3 Mk 2 (which is small) and a Classe Cap 151 integrated amp, would the P 3 be adaquite to provide for my needs (and not over heat) or would a better choice be to add an ARC DAC 7 to pull larger sound staging, depth and resolution (which is what I'm looking to try and stay with in bugeting for)? When I listen to music I don't push the CAP 151 at all (but then again that may be in material) and it always runs cool and at most just a touch warm (like a very low fever). Could I hear your opinions please and Thank you for your input.

Showing 2 responses by steuspeed

Improvements from power conditioning can vary widely depending on the quality of power and the gear in use. I would tend to lean toward investing in the DAC first. For power make sure you plug your amp direct in the wall and eliminate any power strips. Add power cords and conditioning on CD/DAC/PRE when funds are availible.
That's a tough question since I am not familiar with your CD player. Are the guts of your CD player the same as the DAC 7 or is it significantly different? If they are the same, the improvements may be small. How much improvement may not be known until you try. Sorry, I can't help more.