PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.


Showing 14 responses by unsound

Yes, I think the D'Agostino's could drive theThiel 7.2's. Have you considered the Thiel CS 5i's?
No experience here.

For your Thiel 3.7's, FWIW, going purely on the specs, in order:

(1) D'Agostino Classic Stereo
(2) PS Audio BHK 300 Mono
(3) Modwright KWA 150 SE
The D'Agostino shouldn't be troubled by any of those 3.
Is Gryphon an option? Or, perhaps D'agostino era Krells?
Gryphon hasn't had a US presence in some time, I knew they were pricey, but just not how pricey. I can certainly understand your position. I've always like those Krells with Thiels. But, hey, it's your money. 
It would appear as though the Yisilon Aelius II might not be as suitable below 4 Ohms, where these Thiels spend quite a bit of time.
 Charles1dad, As Thiel recommends a minimum of 100 Watts at 2.83 V/m the Aelius would seem to qualify as a suitable candidate, depending of course on desired volume out put and room size.  
  I think it worth noting that instead of doubling power into 2 Ohms from 4 Ohms as a true high current design would, or even increasing power (as spec'd) the afore mentioned Stereophile measurements show the Aelius dropped power, which incidentally would mean that it would be dropping power where the sensitivity of the speaker decreases. To be fair, it might be possible that power from the wall might have been sagging, but I doubt that explains such a degree of disparity. 

Thieliste, Some amplifiers halve their Class A output as they double down in impedance. Under powering a speaker, never lets the speaker perform optimally, increases distortion, and can potentially damage speaker drivers. Working and working well are different things.
Answered this in the Thiel thread, but as it's more germane to this category, may I add a suggestion you pay special attention to the output impedance of the tube pre and the input impedance of the Class D amps your considering.
charles1dad, the importance of doubling down depends on how linear the impedance plot of the speakers are to begin with, and how much power can be delivered once there. The OP 3.7's have an admirably flat impedance plot, so it's less of an issue here. Thiel's recommended power output would suggests about a minimum of 400 Watts into 2 Ohms. So the Aelius's measured 440 Watts is within that margin. Keep in mind the 3.7's have a sensitivity of roughly 85 dB/Watt at that impedance. 
 Sure it's valuable  to know what others have found to work for them, to try and get a consensus, but I have no idea who most of these strangers are, what there biases are, if they have any real experience, or have any idea if they know what there talking about.
 Some reports mirror my own findings, other report things I've heard, but have found that we have different priorities, other reports contradict my own experiences, others appear to be pushing an agenda without any true experience with the particulars at hand. I try and find a pattern from Audiogon posters to affix a personal value to their inputs.  Many different people choose various things for a myriad of reasons, not all of which make a lick of sense. I try to include those things that are objective and have proven themselves to most likely to be repeatable. Lots of factors? Yes, including these. As for opinions, well everyone has one, and so do I.


Thiel recommended between 100-400 Watts for the CS5's. In my conversations with JIm Thiel he told me his all power recommendations were based upon quality ss amps that could double down, and that should one choose to use tubes, etc., they should increase the power  accordingly.

charles1dad, the OP originally asked about 3 different amplifiers, later on it was revealed that he was planning on using these amps with the Thiel 3.7's and/or the Theil 7.2's. After that the OP added other amps for consideration. Teeshot reported experience with both the OP speakers and one of the amps the OP had questions about in combination with those very speakers.
Dlcockrum's posted about different speakers with different amplifiers.
Dlcockrum, as I hope my posts have clearly suggested: not from my perspective.:-)
 charles1dad, interesting that you referenced dlcockrum yet were mute with regard to teeshot's more relative post.
 The extra power beyond the minimum recommended would only be needed to provide higher dB output for a given room size. In that sensitivity decreases (and increases)  proportionally with impedance in speakers such as the Thiels it's prudent to be mindful of actual power output in the given circumstances.
  In the case of a speaker with extended bass output such as the CS5's it might be fair to assume that that room size wouldn't be all that small to begin with.
  If everything is performing as it should be, and depending on the desired volume output in the given room size, other than increased dynamic range, decreased potential for distortion and clipping and with that, less likelihood of speaker driver damage;  there is no reason to expect the higher power amp to necessarily sound better, or visa versa .
mitch2, underrating the 8 Ohm output to let the lower impedances appear to double is not a new trick.