PS Audio Aspen FR20: Planar Floorstanding Speakers



Showing 2 responses by deep_333

Paul McGowan has been reborn since the Aspens came out!

Paul has always stood out as one of the nicest guys out there in high end audio (up there with Andrew Jones).

I heard the fr30 in their listening room and they are very good, a home run for McGowan. I personally would match those speakers with some other electronics though (not ps audio's stuff).

At about the same price the 20.7 will run circles around the Aspens. You can’t put the Aspens in the same room as any Wilson or Magico floor stander

Run circles around?? (Lol) A 20.7, Magico or Wilson does no such thing here and the McGowan speaker can hold its own. You sound like either you never heard McGowan’s speaker or you’re too much a biased fan of the other (for anything truthful to come outta ya on this matter) or maybe you're a dealer who carries the competition's product.