proper Tannoy Canterbury room set up

so I have a set of Tannoy Canterbury GR on the way to live in my dedicated 14'X18' music theatre. The system in located on the 14' wall. Previously Quad 988 esl have lived here, which sat out about 4 foot off the front wall and 2 1/2 foot off the sides, with toe in toward center. To start off with, should I position the Tannoy the same? or not? Someone told me that Tannoy is designed to go back-right-up to the front wall - I have not heard this from any other, so I wonder if it is true or not? Would love to get instruction and hear what other Canterbury users are doing with their room layout.
thank you in advance for thoughtful input.

Showing 2 responses by pryso

William, congrats on your choice.

Possibly the best thing you could do is buy Jim Smith's book, "Get Better Sound" which includes extensive set up advice. Coincidently after writing that Jim bought a pair of Canterburys for his own system.

Also Dan, I've read many helpful comment from you regarding Tannoys, but since you refer to the "back wall", what do you call the wall behind yourself when listening?
Raising Canterburys -

A friend with Canterburys was advised by Jim Smith to experiment elevating them and found that did improve upper frequency info. Pay attention to Mulveling!