Programmable remotes

Has anyone used aftermarket programmable remotes like the Logitech or Philips with their audio gear? I am thinking specifically of the Bryston products like the BDA-1 or BDP-1.

I would like to use a Philips SRT-9320 with my Bryston BDA-1, PS Audio PWT, and Parasound JC-2. I have remotes for the Parasound and PS Audio, but not the Bryston. Besides having three separate remotes for each of these (which is a PIA), the Bryston remote is very pricey and much more expensive than the aftermarket remotes.

I have considered the Logitech versions, but am turned off by the myriad of negative reviews posted on poor reliability and poor CS.

With respect to the Philips, it would be nice to know if products like the Parasound, Bryston, and PS Audio are pre-programmed into the SRT9320.

Showing 3 responses by dhl93449

Thanks for the info, folks.

I guess no one is using the Philips. Logtech is clearly the market leader and their online configuration utility is nice (when you can get to a server).

I am not crazy about the motion detect function on most of the Logitech models since I have heard it will do strange things if you ever drop it. It is also very slow turning on sequence of devices, and may be tricky of your devices are scattered in different locations (and you don't have the very pricey RF model).

The Philips has a learn mode for use with other remotes but this won't help me much with the Bryston, so it would be nice if I could get a listing of the pre-programmed supported products.
After re-considering the Harmony (Logitech) remotes, I decided to go with a URC R50. It does not have the advantage of the online database, but I did confirm URC (which makes professional HT remotes) has quite a large database (that includes Bryston, Parasound, etc) locally in the remote. All programming is done on the remote itself which can be time consuming but I only have three devices so that is not too bad. It also tends to be "device" oriented as opposed to "activity" oriented, which I prefer.

I like it because it's cheap (at about $50) and URC products have a good reputation for reliability. I also wanted one with no touch screen for that reason. The Harmony units without a touch screen only have four screen labeled commands and this URC has 6. This is important for the Bryston because the "hard" buttons of most remotes do not have functions like the inputs needed for the BDA-1, so they have to be available as special buttons on the screen.

For the money, just building a remote to control the Bryston is worth it. Since I have the remotes for the PWT and Parasound, I should be able to add them as well even if they are not in the database.
A follow up to this post.

I got the URC R50 and the on board database is useless for high end gear. I was unable to build the Bryston remote I wanted, because even though Bryston was listed, none of the codes would activate the BDA-1. Same with Parasound JC-2. PS Audio was not even listed.

However, I was able to build remote "devices" for everything I had the original remotes for. Teaching the R50 from an exisiting remote was straight forward if not a bit time consuming. Using the remotes of the PWT and JC-2, I was able to build an "audio device" with combined controls from both, which was nifty. If there was no labeled hard button on the R50 for a command, you could assign one of 48 screen buttons to any command you wished. You can custom label these screen buttons, so there is no confusion later about the commands or what they do.

The volume controls were a bit quirky, as the R50 would only send incremental volume commands when pressed (even if held down), whereas the original JC-2 remote will run the volume min to max if held down. This was actually a blessing in disguise, because the JC-2 remote has the tendancy to overcorrect a volume change, whereas the incremental R50 makes much smaller changes and you don't have to worry about how long a "tap" is on the remote.

Now if I can find a Bryston dealer with a BDA-1 remote, I could clone the commands I need on the R50 by bringing it to his shop.

Overall I like this remote, even though I could not build the Bryston remote from scratch. Looks like I would need one of the Logitech remotes for the Bryston (or find a cooperative Bryston dealer).