@millercarbon Are there any guys who like me totally know what they're doing, totally know their rig was set up really, really good to begin with, who then were astounded to hear it brought to a whole new level?I would highly doubt that people like you are his target audience. There are many in this hobby who enjoy excellent performance but do not have the time, patience, knowledge, or ability, therefore, they contract this work out.
Professional Turntable Setup ( Chicago area NW suburbs )
I had Brian Walsh of ttsetup.com over yesterday to set up my turntable using
all the latest gadgets, Feickert software and a host of other tools. Amazing results.
If you take your vinyl playback seriously the cost absolutely justifies the results.
Do yourself the favor of knowing with absolute certainty that your rig is dialed in perfectly.
It is a joyous feeling knowing it is perfect. I was treated to the best vinyl playback last night
after his visit.
You think you might have your table/cart dialed in, unless you have this done I can guarantee you do not.
This service gets my highest recommendation, Really, don't delay, best money ever spent on my analog rig.
Before this, I always wondered is it the best I can get my table to sound? I now know it wasn't. Now it is after Brian visited.
all the latest gadgets, Feickert software and a host of other tools. Amazing results.
If you take your vinyl playback seriously the cost absolutely justifies the results.
Do yourself the favor of knowing with absolute certainty that your rig is dialed in perfectly.
It is a joyous feeling knowing it is perfect. I was treated to the best vinyl playback last night
after his visit.
You think you might have your table/cart dialed in, unless you have this done I can guarantee you do not.
This service gets my highest recommendation, Really, don't delay, best money ever spent on my analog rig.
Before this, I always wondered is it the best I can get my table to sound? I now know it wasn't. Now it is after Brian visited.