Products for raising cables off the floor.

What are the best products for raising cables off the floor? This would include speaker cables, interconnects, and power cables. Also, what kind of distance should I keep between the power cords and the interconnects? I have wall to wall carpeting. The run from my preamp to my mono amps is about six feet each. The run from the amps to the speakers is about four feet each. The run for the power line to the amps is about five feet each. Any information would be helpful. Thank you, Kevin

Showing 2 responses by unsound

Geesh, and you guys call yourself audiophiles. Namby pamby weenies! Real audiophiles lower their floors from their cables!
Lowering the floor has many advantages. Obviously lowering the noise floor, plumbing greater depth, deeper bass, increased spatial cues, greater soundstage, increased hight, and usually additional articulation. What are you waiting for, start digging.