Product purchasing decisions based on manufacturer’s proximity

Audiophiles have a lot of rationals for their product purchasing decisions. Has anyone made product purchasing decisions based on manufacturer proximity and convenient shipping? Why was that an important consideration for those who did?

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Well let's see the last few purchase I made the manufacturers were in Ohio, California, Missouri, and Hong Kong. I live in Washington. But the speakers were actually manufactured in Israel, and the cartridge in Japan. Once long ago some speakers bought in Portland were made in Oregon, which worked out great as I was able to drive them down to the designer/builder for some upgrades, chat with the guy in person, hear some cool stuff and basically get all insider-ly like you just can't do any other way.

But I also met Ted Denney (Synergistic Research) at a small private demo, and had Caelin (Shunyata Research) come over and demo some cables in my listening room. Cool stuff. But it never once even crossed my mind to buy anything based on proximity or relationship. You buy what you have heard to work great in your system, period.