Processor question

Hello all,
    I am considering either a McIntosh MX 123 or an Audio Control Maestro X9. Has anyone heard these processors? Also, do you have a preference of one or the other in a system used for both music and movies?

Showing 3 responses by soix

Also, do you have a preference of one or the other in a system used for both music and movies?
Rather than ask what someone else prefers, which may or may not have anything to do with what you like, why not share what sonic characteristics you’re looking for and what’s most important to YOU?  Also would be helpful to know the other equipment in your system.  Is 2-channel music important to you or is this strictly a multichannel setup?  The more info you provide, the more targeted, insightful, and helpful the replies here will be. 

Your last question was pre answered.
No, it wasn’t. I specifically asked if 2-channel music was important, and especially because as this is the HT forum it’s possible you listen to music in multichannel. My suggestion was for someone who values stereo as much or more than HT or multichannel music, which is why I asked.

If ancillary equipment was uber important in choosing gear, no one would buy anything, as stores do not have the same equipment as the buyer does.
But it’s just your system we’re concerned with here.

Are you suggesting that people with say Focal Sopra 2’s would be better with the McIntosh, but if they have Bowers & Wilkins 803D’s the Audio Control would be the best choice?
Well, since you seem unwilling to share (or maybe don’t know) what sound characteristics you’re looking for it’s really impossible to say one way or the other. But yeah, people who try to make thoughtful recommendations here generally prefer to know what else is in a system as well.

If my post is too vague for you....please feel free to ignore it.
Yeah, if you can’t share what sonic characteristics you’re looking for that’s what I’ll have to do.

Here is what I am looking for.....a good sounding (at all audible frequencies) home theater processor
Ah, that narrows it down. I’ve heard both at different dealerships but with the same stereo and HT demo tracks and they’re both good sounding at all frequencies so you can just take your pick, and I’ll avoid over complicating it by going into sound characteristics. Hope this helps, and enjoy whichever you end up choosing.