Processor question

Hello all,
    I am considering either a McIntosh MX 123 or an Audio Control Maestro X9. Has anyone heard these processors? Also, do you have a preference of one or the other in a system used for both music and movies?

Showing 2 responses by mahler123

I haven’t heard either processor, but I sympathize with the OP when the usual suspects jump in to tell him that HT systems are terrible for music, he needs a different room, speakers,etc...
  Regarding the original question, is it possible for the OP to do a demonstration with either in his own system?  I am also curious as to why he is not considering a processor by Anthem.
I have 2 Anthem AVRs and I have not found the ARC to be buggy at all.  I also use Dirac in my 2 channel system and that had a few more obstacles to implement, but has been stable sine implementation.  As you can see I am a believer in Room Correction and urge you to get a Processor with this capability.  If you don’t like it, just deactivate.

  So you can’t ask all the girls out ( actually in my dating days I would ask dozens to go out, hoping to snag 1), you can ask the prettiest ones, and for me that would be ones with room correction