Processor Help...Please

My fellow audiophiles, I need help!!! Here is my current system:

Aerial LR5 main
Aerial CC3 Center
B&W's Surround
Proceed hpa3 fronts and center (250watts)
Proceed bpa3( 1 Unused channel)
Arcam 92T CD
B&K Ref 50 Processor
Pioneer Elite DVD
MIT shotgun s3 Speaker cables
Various shotgun s2 and s3 MIT interconnects
63" Philips Plasma

The problem is the processor, its very good for vids but not good enough in 2 channel for my tastes. I find that with the nice clean power and wonderful speakers that the weak point is the B&K Ref 50. And I have the Upgrade bug again, so I believe its time for the B&K to go.

So I am looking for a processor that does music equally as well as video. I m looking at the Bel Canto Pro/Pre, Classe ssp300 or 600, Krell hts, Proceed avp2 or avs. I am open to suggestions but please keep in mind that 2 channel is very important to me. My budget allows for an investment of 2K. Also,if your interested in the B&K Ref 50 Please contact me, its in perfect condition cosmetically and mechanically.

Thanks all for your help and honest assesments, they are very mch appreciated. Music tastes go from Pat Methany to Dave Matthews to Bob Marley to BB King to the Boss.
Get a good transparent pre-amp to put between your processor and front L+R channel amplifiers.

Connect your CD system to one of the inputs, and your processor to another set of the inputs. Then connect the outputs to your front L+R channel amplifiers.

You now have your processor for multichannel sources and a pure two channel system in one.

Only hassle is setting the volume to zero gain when you select the processor input.
"Only hassle is setting the volume to zero gain when you select the processor input."

Not a hassle since most modern preamps have an HT bypass setting or input.

Thanks everybody, Special thanks to Elevick for the direct mode suggestion. Made quite a difference, so after this change I’ve determined that it’s not the processor but he cd player or cables that are an issue. I can’t buy a new amp guys. I like the Proceed HPA 3, and need the power to drive the Aerial LR5's, they are power hungry. I like the combo. My current cdp is Arcam 92T, and I am using MIT shotgun s3 cables from cdp to Pre/Pro and Shotgun s2 from amp to Pre/Pro and Shotgun s3 speaker cables. There is some continuity.
I am looking for a warmer smoother sound. I am considering McIntosh MCD 201, Meridian G06 or G08, I sure could use some other recommendations. Do I upgrade the cd player or the cables to the MIT shotgun s1. I am at a crossroads on where my money will be best spent.

Thanks all my fellow audiophiles!!
A 2 channel (tube) preamp with a HT bypass switch (although not necessary to have the switch/just use the volume control) is sage advice.

I run an Outlaw 950 for HT and a Rouge 99 Mag with HT bypass for stereo and works like a charm........

you married? The HT bypass is a mandatory thing for me as it is so easy for the wife and kids to use for movies etc. The vol control is a little more involved.
I went from a krell hts to a marantz av 8003, I was never really satisfied with either, I am now using a classe ssp 600 witch imo took everything to a higher level, the japeneese pre pro's just don't compare to the sound quality of the classe, good luck