Problems with U.P.S.

I have had five problems with ups in two months. They have lost cod checks, destroyed a package that was packed in a crate, and even delivered a package to a completely diffirent address that was on the label. They even accepted a bank check with the wrong name on it. I am the only one having problems with them? Any recommendation on alternate shipping companies would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by grumpybbc3b3

I bought a parasound amplifier about 8 months ago off of Audiogon and had it shipped to me COD. I got the amplifier in perfect condition and the driver took my money order and I thought everything was fine. Around 2 months later I got a letter from UPS asking me to pay the amount of the C.O.D. I explained to them that I had given the driver the money order when he delivered the amp and that in no way was I going to pay for it again. They continued to send me letters and each time I told them the same thing over and over. Then they started calling me and harassing me and threatening me with legal action and I basicly told them to stick it and do what they had to do. The funny thing is is that the money order was cashed so someone must of had it in their possession. I will never deal with them again. I have since moved, but I can only assume they are still lokking for me.