Problems With Pro-Ject CDBox RS2 T Transport Playback

Based on the great reviews and discussions here, I purchased this transport from Audio Advisor in April 2023. Never had any issues until a couple months ago when it wouldn’t play CDRs. Before this I played a mix of commercial and CDRs I burned myself and never had an issue. I mean dozens of CDRs, all without issue.

So as a test I burned a bunch of different brand-name CDRs on a couple different high quality external burners, but everything failed to play.

The manual and Audio Advisor’s website both say it plays CDRs. (I have heard of CDR playback issues over the years). Finesounds America, Pro-Jects US distributor, said this was not normal and to return the unit for warranty repair, so I did.

Today I got an email back from Finesounds saying the transport isn’t designed to play CDRs, so has no problems. WTF. I notified Audio Advisor and they are looking into this. Just wondering if anyone has had similar issues.


Showing 2 responses by thaluza

I was approved for a warranty repair on my RS2 T in April. I have not heard back from anyone since then. I am supposed to be getting a replacement laser mechanism. Hope your repair moves along faster than mine.

With regard to CDRs, I have lots of them and have never experienced a problem playing them. The issue I experience that has me sending it in for repair has to do with the RS2 T stopping in the middle of a song on some CDs. This is an infrequent occurrence, but it is really annoying when it happens. It also will not immediately power on after I unplug it and later plug the power cord back in. This issue is documented in another thread. I just leave it on standby. The sound quality of the RS2 T is demonstrably superior to my Oppo 205 and my older model Esoteric spinner, so I am crossing my fingers that my RS2 T will be repaired soon.