Problem with one of my Gershman Avant Garde RX-20s... HELP!

Hello to all...

Tail end of the present situation: one of my Gershman Avant Garde RX-20s kinda blew up; stumbled and bumped into a switch on my integrated (JOB INT) which switched the CD playing with its DAC to the DAC in the JOB - and one speaker made a nasty BLURT sound and smoke and flame came out of the woofer (and smoke out of the JOB...).

Contacted the folks at Gershman who no longer have parts for a 20 year old speaker... Besides they are in Canada and I can just see that becoming a cluterf#%k with shipping an 80lb speaker ( or probably would need to ship both). And the local tech I have worked with for years - the brick and morter he was working at just went OOB and I’ve no way of finding him...

Feel foolish asking but: anybody in Metro NY I can go to to find out what can be done - if they can be resurrected or what other possibilities are...HELP!

Showing 1 response by bigkidz

contact Bill Legal at Miller Sound in PA.  Call him and then email photos of the driver(s).  He can usually repair anything so ask him first.  Then like mentioned above - see if a newer driver can be used in it's place.