Problem with older REL subs & class D amps

I'm posting this as a "heads-up" - per tech support at REL - that certain REL sub-woofers of the past do not accommodate tapping into the high level output of class D amps using the cables originally provided.

Options are (a) to use the low level (preamp) output into REL sub low level input, or, (b)obtain a special cable that they call "high level digital out" from a REL dealership.

Subwoofers designed prior to the rise in popularity of class D amps are apparently the ones that fall victim to this. Best to obtain details from a REL dealer or tech support at Sumiko. (It sounds like the folks at Sumiko hope that your dealer can help you with this... understandable, as this is the purpose of a dealer...).


Showing 2 responses by drubin

You can see a photo of the new cable in this thread at AVS forum. The ground lead now has a male RCA connector on it, supposedly to go into an unused RCA jack, and the standard Speakon connector at the sub end is changed. WTF?

There's something fishy about this. Why can't or won't Sumiko provide a decent technical explanation?