Problem: Pro-ject Audio CD Box RS2 T transport

I recently purchased a Pro-ject Audio CD Box RS2 T transport. The unit is brand new, never opened or used. The specific unit I received is emitting an audible, continual whooshing sound while spinning discs. It's loud enough to be audible during listening. 

I know this transport has received high praises from several people on this forum. Can anyone who owns this unit tell me whether this is considered "normal" for this unit? Or are your units literally dead silent while spinning a disc?

Wondering how I should handle this as the unit was imported to the USA from overseas.

Thank you!


Showing 6 responses by ajays

Thanks for sharing, @fuzztone. Sigh. I almost didn't want to hear that!:) Seems like my unit is flawed.


@lalitk Thank you! I have reached out to the dealer. I have seen these posts, unfortunately. My confusion is whether these units ever really get dead silent or will one actually have to tolerate some level of audible whooshing with them, even in the best case scenario.

@wharfy Thank you for your response and pointing me to your thread! Unfortunate that we are in this situation. You stated, "I’d really like to replace my defective CD Boxes with a new one, but at the moment I don’t think that’s a good idea."

So after that second replacement, what’s the status of your current Pro-ject transport? Were you left with a dead silent, perfectly working unit?


@charles1dad Thank you for sharing! Good to know that at least some units don’t have these problems.

@lpretiring Thank you for sharing! I am also getting those disc load noises, so I know what you mean. Do you have anything you could share about how you went about how you obtained a replacement?