Proac Response D 48/Tannoy Kensington

I was curious if anyone has had the opportunity to compare the Proac Response D48 and Tannoy Kensington. I realize they are probably quite different but I was interested in what you all thought. I have heard the Proac's on a few different occasions and was really impressed with what I heard. Recently, someone told me I should seek out the Tannoy Kensington's before I bought anything, but that isn't easy here in the states. There are a few dealers but it would require quite an effort to hear the Tannoy's. Thought I would seek your opinions before I did anything else.
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lowrideris, have you heard the newer Proacs?  Specifically the D48 the OP is inquiring about in comparison to the Kensington?  

Sorry my post comparing the Quatro to the D48 was not relevant to you itzhak.  I was hoping it might be relevant to the poster who had heard the D48 and was planning to listen to the Quatro.  It just so happened that I had compared two of the speakers he was interested in exactly two days before I read his post.  I just thought I would offer my impressions.  I assume he has a better understanding of his needs and preferences than I do...I was just sharing MY impressions.  BTW I don't necessarily agree with your interpretation of what each speaker's "purpose" is.  I think either could work well (and did) in the same environment with the same amplification.

k observation regarding the midrange of the Proac:  It did seem to be a little more forward but not necessarily in an objectionable way...but it did draw attention to itself.  A slightly different presentation than the Quatro...not necessarily better.  In the context of the afternoon listening to these two speakers my comments of "in your face" or "etched" probably misrepresent the nuanced and subtle differences between the speakers.  Clearly the D48 is a wonderful sounding speaker.  I wonder how differently my impressions might be if I had heard the D48 before the Quatro.  I have owned the Proac 1sc monitor in the past and have always loved the Proac sound.  Keep in mind also, even though I spent nearly 4 hours listening to these two speakers, my impressions are still initial observations with a limited selection of music.  Long term listening and a deeper exploration of my music collection might reveal different preferences.
Hi kclone, yes i auditioned d30r and d48. If you want real music in your home, buy focals, tannoys or wilson , of course models from 15000usd and up... wilsons and focals very close in sound, tanoys are more romantic with more emotions in vocals, but not extremely detailed in highs. I personaly dond change my kensingtons to anything. With none of  other speakers for example then i watch movie i "listen" to movie;)  tannoys made sad movie realy emotional and sad, i hope you understood what i meant.
lowrideris and randyhat thanks for your impressions. Good stuff!!!!! I listen to a lot of pop/rock, and to me the Focals are to bright/hard.   But context is important and I have only heard them in show conditions.  Wilson, not a fan of that sound either.  As for Tannoy, i have heard their "lower end" models which I thought were excellent. 
I appreciate everyone's comments, and Randyhat, I do appreciate the comparison of the Proac and the Vandersteen.  My only concern with the Quattro CT is the size of the sweet spot.  I am hoping that maybe the new tweeter has helped with that.  It seems that next week I will have the same opportunity to compare the Proac and Vandersteen side by side.  Really looking forward to that.   As far as the Kensington, it appears that auditioning that speaker is just not feasible for me right now, so they will probably be dropped from the list.  I also will have the chance to hear the Wilson Sabrina as well.  I heard the Sabrina several months ago and wasn't all that impressed, however, the setup in which I heard the speakers was not optimal at all.  I have never been a fan of Wilson, however, I have heard good things about the Sabrina from people that I respect, so I need to give them another listen.

I don't know if I will expand my list, or if I will choose from the these three speakers.  Hopefully, I will fall in love with one of these and my search will be over.