ProAC or chario

Looking to upgrade my chario Academy 1 monitors, has anyone compared the ProAc Reference 3 with the chario Academy 3 Junior's. Im stepping up to floorstanders because they can be driven a little harder but dont want to loose the soundstage and the dissapearing which the monitors do so well.

Have you sold your Charios 1s yet? I recall you were waiting on drivers from Italy last year...

castle howards are closer to the sound you like than proacs if your moving away from the chario . castles aren't as forward and like the charios they love all recordings(plus you'll get that bottom octive of bass)...castle has not only built their own cabinets since 1973, but they build proacs as well.
Looking to upgrade my chario Academy 1 monitors, has anyone compared the ProAc Response 3 with the chario Academy 3 Junior's. Im stepping up to floorstanders because they can be driven a little harder but dont want to loose the soundstage and the dissapearing which the monitors do so well.