Pro Amps - What have you tried?

Lots of audiophiles turn to professional gear for high power and low cost, with mixed results. 

What have you tried? 

Showing 2 responses by mrdecibel

2 of my favorite amplifiers are a Smart Theatre Systems TA 242 ( modified ), and a Yamaha P 2160 ( modified ). Both sounding different, as the STS is a mosfet / Hafler design. Both sound excellent with my Klipsch Lascalas ( modified ). They " follow " the music very well ( prat ), better than many audiophile amps I own, and have owned. They also have input level attenuators, which I have not removed from the circuit, as I go direct from the source into them ( most pro amps, if not all, that I am familiar with, have these attenuators ). The Yamaha is as neutral as I have heard from an amplifier, while the STS adds a bit of warmth. 
@erik_squires  to each his own. Through my ML CLS at the time I owned the Andromeda, I did not like the combo as much as with other amplifiers. Did not like it through the Lascalas either, tubes were preferable with them. It was a good mating with Gale 401s though. Enjoy ! MrD.