
Which would you prioritise for an upgrade - mono blocks, pre amp or speakers? 

Showing 15 responses by infection

Ok I suppose I should offer a slightly more detailed explanation - I have the opportunity to upgrade my Tannoy DC10T to the DC10A for an excellent price but in order to fund this it requires the sale of my GamuT M250i mono blocks. 
Obviously this will leave me 'ampless' so I've been looking at decent used cheaper alternatives.
Yes if I could afford it I would certainly keep the M250i monos...
I was initially considering used Rogue Apollo monos as a replacement...
I have already thought about what you say regarding defeating the speaker upgrade so wanted the opinion of others.

I realise the alternative is to not bother & just continue to tweak the system to completely optimise its performance.

Inna that's an interesting approach re: integrated...although I don't think I could tolerate the compromise even for a week! 
The fundamentals are capitalising on an opportunity which, considering the requirements in order to achieve this, may not be logical!

Yes I imagine a good tube pre would be cool but I wouldn’t have anywhere near enough for the speakers.
Thank you all for the input.

I will mention again that there is nothing wrong with the sound of my current system; it's very enjoyable. The situation is primarily capitalising on the opportunity of a very good deal but requires a possible compromise. 
I say possible as I may be able to replace the GamuTs with a similar performing alternative. But it raises the question is the DC10A a quantum leap over the DC10T...??
This is where DC10A owners contribute with their opinions of their performance...

@carmenc - are you suggesting the M250i monos are not quality amps...?!
@carmenc - the GamuTs are not unnecessary for the Tannoys; their quality is such that they reveal the full capabilities of the Tannoys.
What music do you listen to?
I only ask about your music tastes so I can understand why you make those statements. 
I listen mainly to progressive technical rock/metal & math rock so I need amps that provide very high levels of detail & speed but tonal accuracy; the GamuTs are excellent at providing these requirements. 

I've been offered a pair of ARC Ref 210 at a good price & so have thought about selling the GamuTs & Tannoys to buy them & the new PMC twenty5.24...!
@bombaywalla - I agree! I particularly like the iron fist/velvet glove metaphor! 

The M250i are also very sensitive to mains upgrades so I suspect I have yet to hear their full potential...
What...?? I'm not 'chasing my tail'. 
You need to remember what I've said - 

I will mention again that there is nothing wrong with the sound of my current system; it's very enjoyable. The situation is primarily capitalising on the opportunity of a very good deal but requires a possible compromise.
I say possible as I may be able to replace the GamuTs with a similar performing alternative. 

@carmenc - relax dude, we're just having a conversation. This thread wasn't seeking advice but opinions. Difference! (Couldn't resist). I think you've missed what I mentioned re: ARC Ref 210/PMC.
Another option is the Alta Audio Rheas...

I don't mind you guys having a discussion...

I'm looking into the Alta Audio Rheas & just waiting for correspondence from Mike from Alta Audio...& the possibility of buying ARC Ref 210 monos...maybe a Ref 5se as well...
I'm sorry you feel the need to ask others who don't know you or you're system. 

What a stupid statement. Get some perspective; it was just a simple question with no desire for advice but opinion. 
If you were chatting to a stranger & they happened to ask that question during the conversation you wouldn't respond with that sentence...