Primer on SSD and internal hard drives

I recently acquired a streamer /DAC that supports an SSD or internal hard drive.  This is new turf for me and wonder if I could get some basic guidance.  Please pardon my complete ignorance on this topic.

So what is the difference between an internal hard drive and an SSD?  Is one preferable?

The manual suggests using either a 3,5" or 2,5" drive. Does size matter ? ( no pun intended)

Are there sonic differences in the different available brands?  

Again, pardon my lack of knowledge on this topic and thanks for your help.




Showing 1 response by panzrwagn

Whoa, a topic with general consensus! That never happens here. OK,  Spinning disks are the past. SSDs are the future. No moving parts so less power, less heat, longer life, and absolutely no SQ difference. 

Spinning disks deserve a special place in history for helping put the modern world online. The original iPod used a postage stamp sized Toshiba 4GB spinning disk that was the pinnacle of technology 20 years ago. Today I keep my iPod full of 160 and 320K MP3s as a reminder of how fast technology moves. My current phone has 256GB of SSD full of uncompressed FLAC files.