Primer on SSD and internal hard drives

I recently acquired a streamer /DAC that supports an SSD or internal hard drive.  This is new turf for me and wonder if I could get some basic guidance.  Please pardon my complete ignorance on this topic.

So what is the difference between an internal hard drive and an SSD?  Is one preferable?

The manual suggests using either a 3,5" or 2,5" drive. Does size matter ? ( no pun intended)

Are there sonic differences in the different available brands?  

Again, pardon my lack of knowledge on this topic and thanks for your help.




Showing 1 response by deadhead1000

To answer your specific questions:

So what is the difference between an internal hard drive and an SSD?  Is one preferable? ----- SSD can be external or internal, the comparison is a spinning disk or a SSD (explained above quite nicely). I prefer SSD for music, no possible noise at all. In theory SSD are more reliable, but you should have backups anyway.---

The manual suggests using either a 3,5" or 2,5" drive. Does size matter ? ( no pun intended) -----No. However 2.5 are even more expensive then 3.5, so unless there is a technical/space reason given by the manufactor (maybe you can fit two 2.5's and only one 3.5 for instance) than get the 3.5 SSD.----

Are there sonic differences in the different available brands? ----I've used many brands, I have not heard a difference, and there shouldn't be one with an SSD. I just go with the one that has the best warranty and specs for long life.----